Saturday, November 12, 2011

Personal foul! (Casey)

Ray Lewis hit on Hines ward!
Ryan Clarks hit on Ed Dickson!

As I sat and contemplated my first blog there was one thing that I have had on my mind for a little while now. For the past few years the NFL as well as the NHL and other contact sports have put a emphasis on blows to the head or Helmet to Helmet contact. As someone who loves watching a lot of contact and physicality, in my eyes it takes from the game when you try taking the hitting out of it. I understand they are only trying to protect players, I mean nobody likes seeing anyone on the ground either unconscious and strapped to a board, carted off the field but there need to be some changes to the way things are done and i have some ideas.
      Because Helmet to Helmet contact is a 15 yard penalty there should be something done to ensure it is called correctly. Many times during the season i have seen calls where the player lead with his shoulder and because it was such a "bang bang" play the motion of the player made it look like it was a above the shoulders hit. Also there have been times when there was a Helmet to Helmet hit ala Ray Lewis on Hines Ward (picture above) that probably should have been called and were not. My solution to the problem is this;
     1. The NFL should have someone independent hired to sit in the booth that is watching the game and when there is a call like that it needs to be immediately looked at and determined whether or not it was Helmet to Helmet and buzzed down to the ref, it would not be a call that the Head Coaches could review and it would be reviewed only on obvious blows to the head that are not called (Hines Ward) as well as called Helmet to Helmet hits to make sure it was a correct call (Ryan Clark). In my eyes it wouldn't slow down the game anymore than reviews already do and the refs wouldn't have to look at it because the official in the booth would already see it and make the call. This could also be done on PI calls as well.
     I really hope the NFL takes a look at these rules and they make changes as needed, i hate to see hitting taken out of football. These are the games I love and being someone who loves to watch defensive football hitting someone is one of my favorite parts.


  1. I agree. Whats hockey without a little violence? Figure skating. Dont got me wrong ive had a head injury and it sucks but I was 1 of 3 in all 4 years of me being in high school. So the odds of getting one are somewhat low.

  2. I had to take a class on concussions to coach little league football and I learned some stuff I didn't know before and out was honestly a little scary. With that said I agree that goodell and his cronies have sissified the league. The calls are so inconsistent it drives me crazy. The refs are being told to call the penalty when in doubt. No matter how you hit someone if they are slow to get up they get flagged if a rb or wr put their head down how do you hit them. I've seen some bogus calls some that were called that shouldnt have been and some that should have. The refs need to start calling what they actually see and not what they think they saw. As far as replaying hits though I disagree with you though. Today in the houston game they reviewed whether an interception was caught or not. It was ruled on the field a catch and fumble and it was overturned by replay even though every analyst says it was a catch. The replay thing will just confuse everyone even more. The league just needs to enforce a clear rule and not leave it to a judgement call
