Friday, January 6, 2012

Time for BYU football Return Missionaries/Recruits (Casey)

I was looking around online today and came across an article about BYU future football commits and thought i would share it. The great thing about BYU is that when it comes to recruiting it normally does not take unit the first week of February to figure out who is going to be the future talent of the team. I mean BYU has a way of getting kids to come and play for them due to the church affiliation as well as it past success and wide reach. It is still to early to tell how Independence and BYUTV will help in recruiting top level kids and I know the stereotype around is that BYU atheletes are 1 step slower and smaller than everyone else but when you finish with 10 wins or more as often as they do its hard to argue with the kids they do bring in and there willingness to play for a TEAM. Anyway here is the link to the article I hope you enjoy.

Also here are some links to videos of some of the future Cougars I'm looking forward to seeing! Marques Johnson 6' 3" 305LB DL Jamaal Williams 6' 1" 195LB RB Tanner Mangum 6'2" 185LB QB (Going on mission won't be back till 2014) Taysom Hill 6' 5" 210LB QB (Just got home from Mission ready for spirng) Butch Pau'u 5' 11" 220 LB (going on a mission) and Jherremya Leuta-Douyere 6' 0" 230LB DE/LB. Both from same High school in Cali. Phililp Amone 6' 220 LB LB (#1 in the Video) Dylan Collie 5' 10" 175LB WR

1 comment:

  1. Nice video links. There is a great interview with Tanner Mangum on KSL as well. I think it shows a great contrast to Heaps as far as demeanor and approach.
